Social Media Brand Creation & Management

No business, whether starting up, growing, or thriving, can afford to ignore social media. For the better part of the last decade, social media has been one of the key facets of any digital marketing strategy and continues to grow.

Effective social media campaigns potentially result in product exposure to millions of consumers. Companies need to use social media to spread their brand and message through existing social networks, gaining viral referrals and testimonials from their customers. In parallel, ideal social media campaigns help businesses generate trust and authority on their own by developing warm relationships with their followers, helping to position them as true leaders in their industry or niche.

We Can Handle All Of Your Social Media Needs!

What Does Social Media Marketing Involve?

Social media marketing is a broad term which encompasses a wealth of different subjects. Brands must develop comprehensive social media strategies which straddle multiple channels while at the same time work to effectively build brand trust, followers, and sales.

Here are a few of the crucial aspects involved in social media marketing:

Branding: It all starts here with a catchy logo, design, colors, motto, slogan, the works. Memorable is key!

Profile Creation: Your first goal with social media marketing is to ‘be everywhere’, meaning you should be represented on every social media channel that makes sense within your industry or niche. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google are the biggies, but also Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Vine and others.

Regular Posting: Having an inactive social media channel is potentially worse than not being represented on that channel at all. If you are not posting regularly then visitors may think you’ve given up on your social media accounts. Even worse, people may think you’ve closed your business entirely! To stay successful on social media you must post regularly to build momentum and deliver value. Consider every single post or update as a chance to demonstrate the value your brand can deliver.

Content Creation: Developing and sharing your own content on social media channels is one of the best methods to generate likes and shares. This way, social media marketing, brand development, and content marketing are very closely linked and key is to understand what causes viral sharing of content so that you can develop media with great potential.

On-Page Integration: You also need to fully integrate your social media channels into your website itself. Using social sharing buttons right in your content enables and encourages active sharing.

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Choose Coffee Cup Marketing for Your Social Media Strategy

Tailored Action-Plan

At Coffee Cup Marketing, we can handle every aspect of your branding & social media strategy. We will discuss your brand, your goals, and your timeframe with you, and create a tailored action-plan to immediately lay a foundation and build on it.  Whether we do the work or train you to, we can make it as simple as you want or as complex as you need.

To discuss your strategy further, contact us.

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